A guide to accessing free databases and resources online for legal research

Researching on Indian law

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How does one usually proceed with obtaining information as a legal researcher?

The traditional approach involves searching on proprietary databases after brushing up on our knowledge via textbooks or other print resources.

In case the traditional approach is unavailable or lacking due to some reason, one may opt for free resources online. Here is where we can capitalise on our knowledge of data made available by various government and private institutions when reading about Indian law.

As a researcher, you have to look for notifications across the ecosystem of Indian Government websites for getting the scanned copy of the notification, or for utilisation as a trustable source of information regarding a legal practice.

List of free government databases for lawyers

List of free legal databases operated by non-governmental entities

But how must one make the process of grasping concepts of a relatively new law more effecient?

Firstly, there are various tools available for saving databases/websites/portals or links obtained from it, for example

Furthermore, in conducting legal research, the traditional approach would involve consulting a textbook or sifting through results from an online subscription service.-However, I will take some popular use-cases and demonstrate how to conduct research on those sample problems using only free databases in the sequel to this article.