General - Events, notes
Privacy Supreme 2023 - a summary and some thoughts
General - Events, notes, Law and Policy ·“The changing terminology in policy documents and initiatives can also be indicative of different groups in different eras of the development of technology, using terminologies that suit the purpose of their developmental paradigms.”
Tips for reading better
General - Events, notes ·“It helps if you brace yourself for absorbing more information, through applying mindfulness, and give reading the seriousness it deserves”
A book review of Darko Suvin's "Brecht's Communist Manifesto Today Poetry, Utopia, Doctrine"
General - Events, notes ·Building a socialist imagination
Does the Indian legal system provide an equitable mode of development for legal practice? My experience of innovating in the Indian legal research environment.
General - Events, notes ·In the age of globalisation, I find myself struggling to see how accepting only one part of a bargain can allow for equitable growth.
My attempt at creating an accessible modification of the DotCommunist Manifesto
General - Events, notes ·The The Free Software Movement has theoretical roots that often need to be re-iterated, re-emphasised and what better way than to “re-distribute” in “modified” forms, something that is permissible only within the contours of “FREE INFORMATION”!!
Why you should always F/LOSS before booting
General - Events, notes ·While for some, the struggle for the FOSS community to survive may look like just an uneven match against big corporate running the proprietary software market, this battle takes scary proportions when, it is taken into consideration that the FOSS community is largely consisted of individuals, startups and smaller companies who pride themselves on innovation which forms the backbone of…
Legal Research
Researching on Indian law
Legal Research ·“Here is where we can capitalise on our knowledge of Open Access data made available by various government institutions when reading about Indian law.”
My presentation on Efficacy of International Environmental Law
Legal Research, Law and Policy ·I recently gave a presentation that is part of my project studying compliance of International Environmental Law
My dissertation for PGDEL
Legal Research, Law and Policy ·Understanding compliance with Environmental Laws
Law and Policy
Towards a Technological Rule of Law
Law and Policy ·“the foremost aim of this policy recommendation is and shall continue to be identification of ways in which the state’s powers are not abused in implementing the Rule of Law, for instance in the context of Digital Personal Data Protection – a regime that will exist otherwise only in name”
Privacy Supreme 2023 - a summary and some thoughts
General - Events, notes, Law and Policy ·“The changing terminology in policy documents and initiatives can also be indicative of different groups in different eras of the development of technology, using terminologies that suit the purpose of their developmental paradigms.”
My presentation on Efficacy of International Environmental Law
Legal Research, Law and Policy ·I recently gave a presentation that is part of my project studying compliance of International Environmental Law
My dissertation for PGDEL
Legal Research, Law and Policy ·Understanding compliance with Environmental Laws
Legal Tech
ICAT - A pipeline to generate (and annotate) contracts datasets.
Datasets, Legal Tech, AI, Currently working ·“… I figured that a data extraction pipeline that collects this data which is in the public domain and demonstrates how this can be done openly would be beneficial, hence - ICAT …
… Version 1 is a sample of what expert annotation can look like for business cases that involve more specification…” -
The story behind Schematise and a use-case demonstration
Legal Tech, AI, Currently working ·“… For instance, in a text-classification model trained on Indian laws, one could be assisted by Schematise to categorise which statements represent obligations…”
How will Lex-Liberalis help you in reading judgments?
Legal Tech, AI ·“Semantic Search works better than any previous kind of search because you are NOT limited by what you know! You will get results for whatever terms you use to describe.”
Ideas for creating and utilising legal datasets
Legal Tech, Datasets ·“Some platforms are increasingly adopting Digital Restrictions Management, but that does not in any way guarantee that content you prepared to be shared and accessed widely will generate monetisation. You need to set your terms for the utilisation of your work, whether for “derivative works”, trademark usage, or even straight up commercial use.”
Utilising free databases for research on Indian Law
Legal Tech, Datasets ·“…freely accessible sources can augment if not fully replace your research workflow if you have familiarity with their content, and this is what I want to demonstrate in this blog post.”
Mutaabik - a data platform for India’s vibrant policy environment.
Datasets, AI, Currently working ·“Mutaabik is a platform that helps us realise our potential as a linked data store. By coming together, organisations such as ours can band together for a fairer compensation from (often blackboxed) AI companies who scrape our content.”
ICAT - A pipeline to generate (and annotate) contracts datasets.
Datasets, Legal Tech, AI, Currently working ·“… I figured that a data extraction pipeline that collects this data which is in the public domain and demonstrates how this can be done openly would be beneficial, hence - ICAT …
… Version 1 is a sample of what expert annotation can look like for business cases that involve more specification…” -
Ideas for creating and utilising legal datasets
Legal Tech, Datasets ·“Some platforms are increasingly adopting Digital Restrictions Management, but that does not in any way guarantee that content you prepared to be shared and accessed widely will generate monetisation. You need to set your terms for the utilisation of your work, whether for “derivative works”, trademark usage, or even straight up commercial use.”
Utilising free databases for research on Indian Law
Legal Tech, Datasets ·“…freely accessible sources can augment if not fully replace your research workflow if you have familiarity with their content, and this is what I want to demonstrate in this blog post.”
Mutaabik - a data platform for India’s vibrant policy environment.
Datasets, AI, Currently working ·“Mutaabik is a platform that helps us realise our potential as a linked data store. By coming together, organisations such as ours can band together for a fairer compensation from (often blackboxed) AI companies who scrape our content.”
ICAT - A pipeline to generate (and annotate) contracts datasets.
Datasets, Legal Tech, AI, Currently working ·“… I figured that a data extraction pipeline that collects this data which is in the public domain and demonstrates how this can be done openly would be beneficial, hence - ICAT …
… Version 1 is a sample of what expert annotation can look like for business cases that involve more specification…” -
The story behind Schematise and a use-case demonstration
Legal Tech, AI, Currently working ·“… For instance, in a text-classification model trained on Indian laws, one could be assisted by Schematise to categorise which statements represent obligations…”
How will Lex-Liberalis help you in reading judgments?
Legal Tech, AI ·“Semantic Search works better than any previous kind of search because you are NOT limited by what you know! You will get results for whatever terms you use to describe.”
Currently working
Mutaabik - a data platform for India’s vibrant policy environment.
Datasets, AI, Currently working ·“Mutaabik is a platform that helps us realise our potential as a linked data store. By coming together, organisations such as ours can band together for a fairer compensation from (often blackboxed) AI companies who scrape our content.”
ICAT - A pipeline to generate (and annotate) contracts datasets.
Datasets, Legal Tech, AI, Currently working ·“… I figured that a data extraction pipeline that collects this data which is in the public domain and demonstrates how this can be done openly would be beneficial, hence - ICAT …
… Version 1 is a sample of what expert annotation can look like for business cases that involve more specification…” -
The story behind Schematise and a use-case demonstration
Legal Tech, AI, Currently working ·“… For instance, in a text-classification model trained on Indian laws, one could be assisted by Schematise to categorise which statements represent obligations…”